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서울대 소식 / SNU 캘린더

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SNU 캘린더 /

전체 행사

[SNU Art&Design 10-10]Beyond the comforts of Human Centered Design 특강(Apr,8)


미술대학이 주관하는 SNU 10-10 Project 일환으로 존슨앤존슨 로보틱스의 김희주 디자이너님을 모시고 ‘Beyond the comforts of Human Centered Design’을 주제로 강연을 개최합니다. 많은 관심과 참여 부탁드립니다.

강연자: 김희주
현) Johnson & Johnson
Med tech, Medical Robotics, Sr.Industrial Designer
전) IDEO, Sr.Industrial Designer
전) University of Tokyo, Erato Lab, Visiting researcher
전) Purdue University, Visiting Professor
일시: 2024.04.08.(월) 11:00AM
장소: 서울대학교 49동 322호

Join me on my journey as an industrial designer, where I'll take you through my experiences at IDEO and the valuable lessons I've gained about human-centered design. Together, we'll explore my insights into the future of this approach. As we navigate the constantly changing design landscape, let's engage in a discussion about what the future holds for industrial designers.