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[예술문화연구소] 제153회 목요콜로키움 〈Rethinking Hegel's Modern Conception of Art〉 (장소변경)


예술문화연구소 제153회 목요콜로키움 - 외국인 저명학자 초청 강연 < Rethinking Hegel's Modern Conception of Art >

* 일시 : 2022년 10월 27일 (목) 16:00-18:00

* 장소 : 서울대학교 인문대학 14동 B101호,
온라인 Zoom (Zoom 링크 : https://snu-ac-kr.zoom.us/j/94456488963) (회의 ID: 944 5648 8963)

(온/오프라인 병행)

(14동 105호→ 14동 B101호로 장소 변경되었습니다. 확인 바랍니다.)

* 발표자 : Georg W. Bertram (Free University of Berlin)

* 발표내용
The end of art is its beginning. This seems to be a contradiction. And, even more, it seems to contradict the claims of the most prominent representative of the end-of-art thesis, Hegel. Hegel’s conception of art, so it seems, tells us that art long passed its apex on the path to modernity. In his view, the end of art has to be understood as a symptom of the necessary decay of art, which is rooted in art’s systematic relation to religion and philosophy. Put differently, Hegel seems to hold the view that art cannot be the most important form of self-expression for a modern society, which is to say, for a society characterized by individualism and plurality (to name only two important characteristics). The interpretation that his aesthetics prioritizes a classical understanding of art has incorrect aspects. Indeed, Hegel saw modern art as the paradigmatic mode of art and his aesthetics conceives of art as a particularly modern practice.

* 발표자료

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* 문의 : arts.culture.kr@gmail.com

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