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[예술문화연구소] 제152회 목요콜로키움 〈Cultural Appropriation〉 안내 (장소 변경)


예술문화연구소 제152회 목요콜로키움 - 외국인 저명학자 초청 강연 < Cultural Appropriation > 

예술문화연구소 제152회 목요콜로키움 - 외국인 저명학자 초청 강연 < Cultural Appropriation >

* 일시 : 2022년 9월 29일 (목) 16:00-18:00

* 장소 : 서울대학교 인문대학 4동 국제회의실(신양학술정보관 302호),

온라인 Zoom (Zoom 링크 : https://snu-ac-kr.zoom.us/j/98981782410) (회의 ID: 989 8178 2410)

(온/오프라인 병행)

(7동 308호→ 4동 302호로 장소 변경되었습니다. 확인 바랍니다.)

* 발표자 : Andy Hamilton (Durham University)

* 발표내용

For proponents of identity politics, artistic traditions are the property of the cultures from which they arise, and not of a common humanity. Cultural appropriation is held to occur when members of a dominant culture use materials from a less powerful one that "owns" those materials. The charge involves culture in a broad sense, not just art. Thus British influencer Oli London, who had a facial operation to make his appearance more Korean in conformity with his declared identity, has been criticised for it. But my present focus is on artistic cases. For instance, the Western public has allegedly stolen Maori tattoos, "an art form native to Polynesia and appropriated it for their own use", exploiting a power difference. My conclusion is that there is a qualified truth in cultural appropriation critique: cultures own in the sense that global capital appropriates. Proponents of cultural appropriation critique mistakenly assume that appropriation is individual; but they are right in the sense that it can be institutional.

* 발표자료

발표자료 원문 및 번역문은 아래 문의메일로 요청 바랍니다.

* 문의 : arts.culture.kr@gmail.com