< 분석철학 초청강연 > 제2차 강연
○ 강 연 제 목: 허구에서 나타나는 일상 이름에 대한 인과 이론 (The Causal Theory of Ordinary Names in Fiction)
○ 일 시: 21년 10월 20일(수) 19:00~21:00
○ 강연자: 이정규(성균관대학교)
○ 장 소: ZOOM회의실(링크: https://snu-ac-
○ 개 요:
This paper mainly deals with a meta-semantics for ordinary names in fiction. It has recently been argued by some philosophers that when ordinary names are used in fictional contexts, they change their semantic contents and work as fictional names in general. In this paper, I argue that there is no compelling reason to believe that such reference changes occur. Applying the causal theory of names to ordinary names used in fictional contexts, I argue that whether those names refer to real or fictional objects depends on which semantic intentions speakers have.
Keywords: reference; fictional names; fictional surrogates; referential intention; the causal theory of names
지원: 세계선도 중점학과 육성사업
주최: 서울대 철학과, 철학사상연구소
문의처: sihan8@snu.ac.kr(한성일 교수) / youngcr@snu.ac.kr(이영찬 간사)